

A list of Macintoshes/apple products Aapje owns:

Macintosh collection

  1. Macintosh 512k with factory upgrade to Macintosh Plus 1MB (sadly the Flyback Transformer is cracked somewhere so it bypasses highvoltage)
  2. Macintosh Plus upgraded to 4MB and a SC20 external SCSI harddrive
  3. Macintosh Plus Platium version upgraded to 4MB with a RODIME external scsi harddrive fitted with a SCSI2SD card
  4. Macintosh SE FD/HD upgraded to 4MB
  5. Macintosh SE/30 – 8MB
  6. Macintosh Classic I upgraded to 4MB
  7. Macintosh Classic I upgraded to 4MB #2
  8. Macintosh Classic II upgraded to 10MB
  9. Macintosh Classic I (waiting on a PCB of Kai Robinson to rebuild this Macintosh, it had major battery leakage).
  10. Macintosh LC
  11. PowerMAC 5500/275 
  12. PowerMAC 9600/200 with 256MB Ram and a Studio Display 14″
  13. PowerBook 1400CS (with a crappy LCD)
  14. Macintosh G3 Quicksilver tower 800mhz (with ssd, ide->sata) with a Cinema Display
  15. Macintosh G4 nicknamed ‘bolletje’ 2.1ghz (with ssd, ide->sata)
  16. Macintosh Dual G5 PowerPC 2ghz (with SSD) with a Cinema HD display
  17. Macintosh Dual G5 PowerPC – #2
  18. Macintosh Quad G5 Power PC
  19. Apple iMac 9.1 A1225

Sidenote; i recap all my 68k mac’s analog+logic boards. 

To get software onto my mac’s i use a combination of a RaspberryPi 4 with a RaSCSI interface and a SCSI2SD. I can advice the ‘newbies’ under us to go with the RaSCSI device. It can do multiple tasks like providing you with a ethernet card.

Usefull links for recapping Macintosh machines:

Bruce has a good website with links towards Mouser for the correct caps:

Console5 sells kits for the US market. But they keep a Wiki page with the values/capacitorlistings on there.

Keep in mind that the US versions of the mac’s are different with the EU versions. Some power supply’s may differ.